
Elizabeth Karmel created this recipe of Margarita with Lemon Simple Syrup for the large Crumpled Cup: This margarita was inspired by my good friends Rick & Deann Bayless. The punch bowl recipe means that you can make a special drink in advance before company comes and enjoy the party as much as your guests! The Lemon Simple Syrup makes a big difference and only takes a few minutes to make.

Makes 10 cocktails.

In the punch bowl, combine 3 cups of Tequila reposado, 1/2 cup fresh orange juice (3-4 oranges), 1 ½ cup of fresh lime juice, 1 cup of triple sec and 2/3 cups of the Lemon Simple Syrup (see below). Cover and refrigerate until chilled, about 2 hours. Add Ice to the punch bowl just before serving. Ladle the Margarita with Lemon Simple Syrup into glasses.

Lemon Simple Syrup

Use a vegetable peeler to remove the zest (yellow part only) in strips from 3 large lemons (preferably Meyer Lemons). Avoid the bitter white pith just beneath the skin. Pour 2 cups of white sugar, 1 cup of bottled water into a small saucepan. Add the zest and cook over low-medium heat until dissolved. When mixture reaches a boil, turn the heat off and cover with lid. Strain the syrup and pour it into a glass jar. Cover and refrigerate until you are ready to use. It will keep for several weeks.

Margarita with simple syrup
Use the crumple cup as a punch bowl

Check other recipes by Elizabeth Karmel

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